Career Readiness 4-Year Plan

The National Association of Colleges & 雇主(NACE)将职业准备定义为8项核心能力的展示,这些能力为受过大学教育的人在工作场所和终身职业管理中取得成功做好了广泛的准备.

皇冠体育app,本科生可以利用这个四年计划为职业生涯做好准备. 你可以在任何时候开始,但最好尽早、经常地做好职业准备. 职业发展中心的职业顾问和顾问随时准备与您合作! Make an appointment using Handshake.

通过持续的个人和专业学习,积极地发展自己和自己的事业, awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses, 把握工作机会,在组织内外建立人际关系.

Sample Behaviors

  • Show an awareness of own strengths and areas for development.
  • 在追求和应用反馈的同时,确定持续增长的领域.
  • Develop plans and goals for one’s future career.
  • Professionally advocate for oneself and others.
  • Display curiosity; seek out opportunities to learn.
  • 承担有助于自己专业进步的职责或职位.
  • 与那些能在专业上帮助你的人建立、维持和/或利用关系.
  • Seek and embrace development opportunities.
  • 自愿参加进一步的教育、培训或其他活动来支持自己的事业.

Year 1

  • Meet with a career counselor
  • Take a career assessment

Year 2

  • Search for an internship, co-op or summer work experience

Year 3

  • Apply for APEX funding
  • 参加职业发展课程,如职业和职业成功
  • 参加研究生会,研究项目或参加练习考试

Year 4

  • Join a professional organization
  • Discuss salary and benefits negotiation

Clearly and effectively exchange information, ideas, facts, and perspectives with persons inside and outside of an organization.

Sample Behaviors
  • Understand the importance of and demonstrate verbal, written, and non-verbal/body language, abilities.
  • Employ active listening, persuasion, and influencing skills.
  • 以清晰和有组织的方式进行沟通,以便他人能够有效地理解.
  • Frame communication with respect to diversity of learning styles, varied individual communication abilities, and cultural differences.
  • 向主管、专家和其他人询问适当的问题以获取具体信息.
  • 在需要指导时及时通知相关人员.

Year 1

  • Develop or update your resume

Year 2

  • Learn to write effective professional correspondence
  • Conduct an informational interview

Year 3

  • Complete a practice interview
  • Attend networking events

Year 4

  • Hone your skills at Mock Interview Week

Each Year

  • Keep professional documents up-to-date
  • Develop personal brand and elevator pitch


Sample Behaviors
  • 用合理的、包容的推理和判断来做决定和解决问题.
  • 收集和分析来自不同来源和个人的信息,以充分理解问题.
  • Proactively anticipate needs and prioritize action steps.
  • 准确地总结和解释数据,并意识到可能影响结果的个人偏见.
  • Effectively communicate actions and rationale, 认识到利益相关者的不同观点和生活经验.
  • Multi-task well in a fast-paced environment.

Year 1

  • Explore interests and values; set career goals

Year 2

  • Engage in research and creative opportunities

Year 3

  • Present a poster or project

Year 4

  • 在你的简历上列出研究、项目、演讲和创造性工作

Demonstrate the awareness, attitude, knowledge, 以及公平参与和包容来自不同地方和全球文化的人所需的技能. 参与积极挑战现行制度的反种族主义活动, structures, and policies of racism.

Sample Behaviors
  • 征求和使用来自不同文化视角的反馈,以做出包容和公平的决策.
  • 积极促进包容和公平的做法,影响个人和系统的变化.
  • Advocate for inclusion, equitable practices, justice, and empowerment for historically marginalized communities.
  • 寻求全球跨文化互动和经验,以增强对不同人口群体的理解,从而促进个人成长.
  • Keep an open mind to diverse ideas and new ways of thinking.
  • 确定资源并消除个人和系统种族主义造成的障碍, inequities, and biases.
  • Demonstrate flexibility by adapting to diverse environments.
  • 解决限制历史上被边缘化群体成员机会的特权制度.

Each Year

  • 参加文化活动,访问演讲者和文化团结协会的项目

Any Year

  • Take a Social Justice Studies course
  • Study or intern abroad


Sample Behaviors
  • 在共同的愿景下激励、说服和激励自己和他人.
  • 寻找并利用各种资源和他人的反馈来指导方向.
  • Use innovative thinking to go beyond traditional methods.
  • 以自信和积极的态度完成任务,为他人树立榜样.
  • 通过鼓励和建立相互信任来激励和激励他人.
  • Plan, initiate, manage, complete and evaluate projects.

Year 1

  • Participate in Judson Leadership Center programs and workshops

Year 2

  • Apply for the Women’s Leadership Academy (open to all genders)

Year 3

  • 在校园社团、组织或团队中担任领导角色

Year 4

  • Add leadership and service experience to your resume

Any Year

  • Take service learning/leadership courses
  • 回馈:志愿者、登记、投票和参与社区活动

Knowing work environments differ greatly, understand and demonstrate effective work habits, and act in the interest of the larger community and workplace.

Sample Behaviors
  • 公正行事,对自己、他人和组织负责.
  • 保持与组织和个人职业价值观相一致的积极的个人品牌.
  • Be present and prepared.
  • Demonstrate dependability (e.g., report consistently for work or meetings).
  • Prioritize and complete tasks to accomplish organizational goals.
  • Consistently meet or exceed goals and expectations.
  • 是否注重细节,使他们的工作很少出错.
  • Show a high level of dedication toward doing a good job.

Each Year

  • Attend a networking event or career fair

Any Year

  • Complete an applied learning experience
  • Attend the Etiquette Dinner
  • 参观谢丽尔的衣橱免费专业服装和配件

建立和维护合作关系,有效地朝着共同的目标工作, while appreciating diverse viewpoints and shared responsibilities.

Sample Behaviors
  • Listen carefully to others, 花点时间去理解对方,并在不打断对方的情况下提出适当的问题.
  • Effectively manage conflict, interact with and respect diverse personalities, and meet ambiguity with resilience.
  • 对个人和团队的责任和可交付成果负责.
  • 运用个人的长处、知识和才能来补充他人的长处.
  • Exercise the ability to compromise and be agile.
  • Collaborate with others to achieve common goals.
  • 与主管和团队成员/同事建立牢固、积极的工作关系.

Year 1

  • Join a campus club, team or community organization

Year 2

  • Complete a group or service project
  • Seek collaborative opportunities

Year 3

  • Attend a workshop or conference

Year 4

  • 在简历和面试中突出团队合作的经验和技能

以道德的方式理解和利用技术以提高效率, complete tasks, and accomplish goals.

Sample Behaviors
  • Navigate change and be open to learning new technologies.
  • Use technology to improve efficiency and productivity of their work.
  • Identify appropriate technology for completing specific tasks.
  • Manage technology to integrate information to support relevant, effective, and timely decision-making.
  • Quickly adapt to new or unfamiliar technologies.
  • 操纵信息,构建思想,利用技术来实现战略目标.

Year 1

  • Set up your Handshake profile

Year 2

  • Create your LinkedIn profile

Year 3

  • Build website or portfolio (arts careers)

Year 4

  • Update LinkedIn & other professional social media accounts

Each Year

  • Add software skills and/or certifications